Soon, all organizations will have a webpage. It should be obvious that for
these webpages to be useful, the contents of the webpages must be accurate
and up-to-date. However, most of the people supplying information to be
placed on the webpage are not schooled in the computer languages and jargon
that is necessary for the successful installation and maintanence of a
webpage. Yet, the non-technical people would like to retain control over the
content of the webpage (that is, what is actually said). This document
describes one way that this is being accomplished in webpages that are
already on the Web.
Webpages are written in a language called Hyper Text Markup Language (or html
for short.) Typically, this language is foreign to the people who should be
performing webpage maintanence. Also, the webpage images are created and
placed in the .jpg or .gif file formats (described elsewhere) and the sound
files are put into the .au or .wav formats. It is possible (and probably
desirable that the webpage maintainers learn how to create these files, using
non-Web computer software.)
One of the purposes of this document is to show that the webpage
maintainer(s) need not write in html. There is a better way.
It would be preferable for the maintainers of the webpage to be able to
produce what is needed in simple terms, as lines of text, rather than lines
of computer commands, This document describes how this can be done. that is
to say, this document describes how to get done the job of webpage
maintanence by non-technical personnel, without yielding control.
Members of this organization are encouraged to submit information for display
in the organization's webpage.
A computer program, called jhlHTML.exe, has been written to read the lines of
text (which are supplied by a User, or webpage maintainer) for insertion into
a webpage and to translate the lines of text into the html language. This
program is executed by the webmaster, only. The individual(s) maintaining the
information content of the webpage, hereinafter refered to as User, supplies
the webmaster with only a simple text file. (note: the User must also supply
to the webmaster the .jpg or .gif image files for inclusion into the
webpage.) Using a translation program in this manner means that the User does
not need to be familiar with any of the details of the html computer
language, yet the user will still have quick access to supporting a webpage
for an organization and retain complete control over the webpage content.
The User maintains a set of .txt files, one for each of the "pages" of the
webpage. When a change is to be made, the User modifies the contents of the
.txt file. Then, the User sends this file by attaching the file to an email
to the webmaster of the organization. That is to say, in order to maintain
the webpage of the organization, it is only necessary to change the contents
of the .txt files. Then, when a change is to be made, the text file must be
attached to an email to .
When a .txt file is prepared, the User should make sure that the text file
does not contain lines longer than eighty characters and do not contain
either "<" or ">". Also, make sure that the Subject of the email is the name
of the .txt file and nothing more (the webmaster already knows why you are
sending him the file). If any image or sound files are used, then these files
must also be sent as attachments to the email to the webmaster.
The .htm files will be created by the organization's webmaster by using the
text to html translation program. The html files will then be uploaded to the
host (Server) computer. The access to the Server computer to modify files on
the Server is highly restriced for security reasons. The scheme for file
submission has been selected to allow a User to update a file on the server
by sending an email to the webmaster, yet not violate any security
restrictions that have been set up by the Server computer.
For those Users who require greater control over the format of the webpage,
a number of commands are made available for insertion into the .txt files
by the User. These people need to read the more technical sections, below.
%F 5

Here is the list of files to be maintained (the .txt files):
For the Tulsa-Celle Sister City Partnership Webpage, the files are:
   Left Hand Side Menu Item       Text File Name      html File Name
   _____________________________  ________________    ______________________
   Calendar                       cellecal.txt        cellecal.htm
   Information                    celleinf.txt        celleinf.htm
   Committees                     cellecom.txt        cellecom.htm
   Projects                       celleprj.txt        celleprj.htm
For the Chamber Music Tulsa, the files are:
   Left Hand Side Menu Item       Text File Name      html File Name
   _____________________________  ________________    ______________________
   The Program Schedule           cmtma.txt           cmtma.htm
   The History of Concertime      cmthist.txt         cmthist.htm
   What is Chamber Music?         cmtcham.txt         cmtcham.htm
   The Mission of Concertime      cmtinfo.txt         cmtinfo.htm
   Donations to Concertime        cmtdonat.txt        cmtdonat.htm
   Artists files                  xxxxxxxx.txt        xxxxxxxx.htm
    where xxxxxxxx is the name of the performing group, e.g., haydn for the
    Haydn Trio Vienna
For the Higher Education Cultural Roundtable, the files are:
   Left Hand Side Menu Item       Text File Name      html File Name
   _____________________________  ________________    ______________________
   Roundtable Calendar            hecrcal.txt         hecrcal.htm
   Roundtable Representatives     hecrrep.txt         hecrrep.htm
For the Tulsa Opera Board, the files are:
   Left Hand Side Menu Item       Text File Name      html File Name
   _____________________________  ________________    ______________________
   Home                           operma.txt          operama.htm
   Opera Headline News            operaohn.txt        operaohn.htm
   Contacts                       operacnt.txt        operacnt.htm
   Calendar                       operacal.txt        operacal.htm
   Committees                     operacom.txt        operacom.htm
   Board Meetings                 operabme.txt        operabme.htm
   New Board Member Information   operabmi.txt        operabmi.htm
   Projects                       operaprj.txt        operaprj.htm
When a computer user displays an internet screen on his local computer, the
work of displaying the webpage is done by a program called a browser. This
program executes on the user's local machine. Usually, this browser is called
Netscape or Internet Explorer.
When a webpage is requested by the user, the browser asks a remote computer, by
way of the internet, to supply one or a even a large set of files containing a
strange language called the Hyper Text Markup Language (or html, for short). In
addition to supplying the text, i.e., the words that are to be displayed, the
html files contain information that instructs the browser with regard to how
the text and images are to be displayed.
When a user asks for a webpage to be displayed by the user's browser on his
own computer, the local computer makes a request of the appropriate server
computer (where the files that comprise the webpage are held) to send to the
local computer all of the files to generate the requested display. Essentially
any user may request (and get) all of the files. However, to maintain a
webpage, files must be sent in the opposite direction, i.e., to the server.
This is a problem. A browser can not do this. A secure server computer will
not allow just anyone to modify any files on the server. This requires special
authority. This permission is given to the webmaster, and no one else in the
outside world. Therefore, the webmaster is responsible for installing all of
the webpage files onto the server computer.
All of the files for a typical webpage fall into only a few categories: .htm
for the text and instructions, .jpg and .gif for images and .au (and
possibly .wav) files for sound recordings to be played while viewing the
webpage screens.
There are no text (.txt) files on the server because the server and local
browser do not speak this language. However, to maintain a webpage, it is
convenient for a user to create and maintain .txt files. Nevertheless, the
.txt files must be converted to the .htm files that the browser does
understand. This translation is the job of the webmaster.
A program has been written to read the lines of text (which are supplied by a
user) for insertion into a webpage and to translate the lines of text into the
html language. The user maintaining the information content of the webpage
supplies the webmaster with only a simple text file. (note: the user must also
supply to the webmaster the .jpg or .gif image files for inclusion into the
webpage.) Using a translation program in this manner means that the user does
not need to be familiar with any of the details of the html computer language,
yet the user will still have quick access to supporting a webpage for an
organization and retain complete control over the webpage content.
Nevertheless, as simple as this process can be, the user preparing text for the
webpage needs to know how the text should be organized so as not to confuse the
translation program.
The following is the description of a simple screen. A full display may
be comprised of a set of screens, each occupying a different part of the
computer display. This can get a little complicated, so we will limit our
discussion here to a simple single screen.
The screen is broken into parts, called paragraphs. The paragraphs are strings
of text or instructions to the translation program. Paragraph are separated
by a blank line, a line containing no printable characters.
The first paragraph in each .txt file is comprised of a single line, which is
the title. This will appear first, on the top of the screen, followed by a
simple colored horizontal line. The title is displayed in a larger font than
the rest of the screen. If this line is blank there is no display of a title
or the horizontal line.
All of the remaining parts of the screen contain information which have been
organized into paragraphs, each of a particular type. The allowed types are
as allowed:
   1. A paragraph that is written so that the computer browser is
      allowed to rearrange your text to space the text and arrange the
      lines to make a "reparagraphed" section of text. (normal Paragraphs)
   2. A group of lines of text that is to be displayed exactly as it
      is typed. That is, the browser is not to be allowed to reparagraph
      these lines of text. (Literal paragraphs)
   3. A line that causes an image, held in a file with a file extension
      .jpg or .gif, to be displayed at this spot, properly centered on
      the screen. Note that .jpg files that contain images of at most
      640x480 picture elements (pixels) work very well. (Images)
   4. Other commands listed below. (Commands)
The user who wants to prepare a screen writes the text to be displayed into a
file, called a text file, which is created with a very simple text editor, like
NotePad from Microsoft or SCIEDIT from SCI. Alternatively, the files may be
created with a word processor such as Microsoft Word 97 and creating the text
file by clicking File>Save-As> MS-DOS Text with Line Breaks(*.txt).
Please take note of the fact that the text files must be comprised of lines
that are no longer than eighty characters, otherwise the translation could
produce spacings that could be quite undesirable. In writing the text file,
the user should avoid the use of the "<" and ">" characters as these could
cause the browser to become confused and cause nasty things to happen in the
display. This happens because the browser thinks that these are actual html
command (which these are not)
%F 5
( Please notice that the font size is being changed in the display. )
%F 4
The text file is given a name consisting of one to eight alphanumeric
characters. The text file is given a file extension of .txt. That is, if a
screen called "sample.htm" is desired, a file called "sample.txt" is given to
the translator program, which reads the text file and creates the .htm file
that is ready for upload to the server computer.
%F 3
The paragraphs are separated by either a blank line or a command to the
translator program. These commands are: %P for Normal Paragraph (to allow
reparagraphing by the browser) , %L for a Literal Paragraph, %I for an Image
that is to be displayed centered on the page, %J for an image that is to
be displayed right justified on the page (to allow text to flow to the left
to produce a rather pleasing change to the more sterile one thing over the
other), %S to supply spacing (vertical whitespace), %F to change the font
size, or a blank line, which is the same as a %P. Also, %W is available to
play a sound clip when the webpage is loaded. There are also two useful
commands %B to cause the remainder of the line to be printed in boldface, and
%E to cause the remainder of the line to be printed in boldface italics.
In addition to the above, the author of the .txt file may insert html tags
directly into the .txt file. These commands will be translated literally
into the .htm file produced by the program jhlHTML.exe.
Each of these command is to placed starting always in column 1, alone on the
line, except the other arguments that are expected by the command (e.g., the
image file name with %I.)
When a line in the text file ends with a valid email address expressed in the
form:, then the translation program will create the
proper code to display the email address in a color different from that of the
normal text and at the same time, prepare the page to allow the user to "click"
on the email address to automatically start the email composition process to
sent an email immediately.
%f 4
A good example for the use of images and sound clips can be seen in the
companion document
%V images.htm Images and Sounds in Webpages
%F 5

 Insert as desired the following commands in the input text (note that the
 command must be given in column 1 of the text file) (also note that the
 command itself will be consumed in the translation process as these are
 commands to the translator, therefore these will not be seen in the webpage):
   %P                    The following is to be paragraphed by the browser.
   %F [size]             Change the size of the font to 'size'=1,2,...
   %L                    The following is to be output literally (without
                           reparagraphing by the browser)
   %C                    Center the following text, line by line.
                           Boldface the line if the line starts in column 1
   %S                    Provide vertical white space
   %B                    Display the remainder of the line in boldface
   %E                    Display the remainder of the line in italics
   %U [URL] [text]       Insert a reference to another .html file (centered
                           on the page)
   %V [URL] [text]       Insert a reference to another .html file (not centered
                           on the page)
   %I [file_name] [text] Insert a reference to an image, to be centered on
                           the page and put "text" for the LYNX ALT option.
   %J [file_name] [text] Insert a reference to an image, to be right justified
                           on the page (to allow text to flow around the image
                           to the left of the image and put "text" for the
                           LYNX ALT option.
   %W  file_name         Cause the .AU sound file to be played

%f 4
This document, per se, has been written as a simple text (.txt) file so that
it can be converted into a sample screen to show, as a case study, a webpage
screen with the different possibilities for information presentation.
This document describes how to submit the text, images, and sounds for
inclusion in the webpage. That is, for information to be included in the
webpage must be submitted to the webmaster following a set of rules, which
have each been adopted for specific reasons.
Please examine the file
%V samptxt.htm  sample.txt .
It is this file that produced this display.
%f 4
Document Prepared: jhl 9/13/01