Professional Experience
Areas of Technical Specialization
Patents Obtained
Technical Reports
Technical Consulting Activities
Participation in Civic Activities
Outside Activities
Other Activities
Courses Taught at the University of Tulsa
Other University of Tulsa Activities
Refereed Publications
Proceeding Publications
Papers Presentated at Meetings
Professional Presentations
Books Published
B.S., Zoology, University of Tulsa, Tulsa, 1957
B.S., Physics, University of Tulsa, Tulsa, 1958
M.S., Physics, University of Missouri, Columbia, 1959
Ph.D., Physics, University of Missouri, Columbia, 1963
D.Eng, Engineering Technology (Hon), Forelane College, 1965
University of Uppsala (Sweden) (1965)
International Symposium on Quantum Chemistry (1968)
Ampex Corporation, Design and Repair of SMD Disk Drives (1980)
ARITH8, International Symposium on Computer Arithmetic (1987)
Harvard Medical School, Modern Cardiac Imaging (1989)
Harvard Medical School, MRI Clinical Update (1990)
International Symposium on Acoustical Imaging, University of Bochem, Germany
Harvard Medical School, Ultrasound (1992)
International Symposium on Acoustical Imaging, University of London, England
International Symposium on Acoustical Imaging, University of California Laguna
Beach (1994)
Phi Gamma Kappa, Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi, Who's Who of American Inventors
1963-1964 Advanced Electronics Techniques Department, McDonnell Douglas
Company, St. Louis
1964-1968 Central Research Department, Monsanto Company, St. Louis
1968-1970 Director, Systems and Research, Data Research Corporation, Tulsa
1970-present President, Synergistic Consultants Incorporated, Tulsa
1978-1981 Adjunct Professor of Computer Science, Southern Methodist University
1985-1986 Visiting Professor of Computer Science, University of Tulsa, Tulsa
1986-2003 Professor of Computer Sciences, University of Tulsa, Tulsa
Chemical Physics, Medical Imaging,
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging,
Acoustical Imaging,
Computer Architecture and Design,
Finite State Engine Design,
Operating Systems,
Computer Networking,
Data Communications, Database,
Language Translators,
Compiler Design,
Symbolic Computation,
Digital Image Processing,
Integral Transform Theory,
Nonlinear Regression Analysis,
Real Time Programming, Design of Real-Time and Simulation Systems,
Internet Programming, HTML, ASP, Client and Server Side Scripting Languages,
Windows Programming in C, C++, Java, Fortran and Other Languages,
Legal Aspects of Computers and Computing
Clocked Latched Feedback Memory Finite State Engine. John H. Letcher. United States Patent and Trademark Office. Patent Number 4786829 (November 22, 1988).
Noise Suppression in Magnetic Resonance Imaging. John H. Letcher. United States Patent and Trademark Office. Patent Number 4893082 (January 9, 1990).
Apparatus for Reflective Ultrasonic Imaging. John H. Letcher. United States Patent and Trademark Office. Patent Number 5253530 (October 19, 1993).
The Synergistic Consultants Incorporated Computer Operating System (SCIOS) Management Information System, Data Base Management System (1985).
The Synergistic Consultants Incorporated Management System, Huldra , A Rotational Discrimination Nonlinear Regression System and Optimization Tool (1985).
The Chaprola Language (1983)
The Synergistic Consultants Incorporated Compiler Filters
The Synergistic Consultants Incorporated Operating System, Mercury , A Generalized Data Management System (1978).
Synergistic Consultants Incorporated Operating System (SCIOS), Utility Programs (1984).
The Synergistic Consultants Incorporated Information Management System FLIBSCI - The SCI FORTRAN Library (1973).
A Report to the Ozarks Regional Commission on the Design, Development, and Implementation of its Regional Resources Management Information System. (1971), (1972).
A Report to the Ozarks Regional Commission on the Assistance to the Commission in the Training, Extension, and Utilization of the Regional Resources Management Information System. (1972).
The Cx486SLC and Cx486DLC Compatibility Report (1992)
Kerr McGee Corporation: Development of CALCOMP General Purpose Contouring Package.
Data Research Corporation: Development of Synergistic Consultants Incorporated FLIBSCI, Fortran Library Package for the CDC 6000 computer; Development of BETSY A Rotational Discrimination NonLinear Regression Optimizer.
Computer Knowledge Corporation: Development of the HEIMDALL System, Message Switching Asynchronous Telecommunication package.
Department of Commerce, Ozarks Regional Commission: ORC TA 70-13(NEG) Design, Development, and Implementation of the Regional Resources Management Information System; ORC TA 70-26(NEG), Design, Development, and Implementation of the Regional Resources Management Information System; ORC TA 72-43(NEG) Training Extension, and Utilization of the Regional Resources Management Information System; ORC TA 73-30(NEG), Implementation of the Regional Resources Management Information System on the MIDGARD Computer System.
Oklahoma Office of Community Affairs and Planning: CPA-OK-06-56-1014 Project Tracking (PROTRAC) Operating System to an IBM 370 running OS/MVS.
Oklahoma Foundation for Research and Development Utilization, Inc.: Data Reduction of LANDSAT Satellites, Development of TEKMAP for Retrievals from Graphical Information.
Ozark Electronics Incorporated: Design of SuperBoard and SuperBox for interfacing peripherals from different manufacturers into a computer system.
Lovetek Incorporated: Development of an Interpreter and buffered terminal software.
State of Arkansas: Adaptation of the Synergistic Consultants Incorporated Operating System to the Control Data Omega 480 and AMDAHL computers running CMS.
Bechtel Petroleum Incorporated (ETSI Pipeline Co.): Implementation of the Synergistic Consultants Incorporated Operating to the Wang VS computer.
SPS Technologies: Simulation studies for an automated factory and development of machine control software for the running of stacker cranes and the development of a 8086 cross compiler to download SCI systems software to EPROMS.
Muskogee General Hospital: Development of a Hospital Package using SCI Fortran-S Compiler, development of a Laboratory and Inventory Control Subsystem and a system for paperless claims transmission to Blue Cross and Medicaid.
State of Oklahoma, State Board of Public Affairs: Implementation of Mercury Information Retrieval System on the IBM 370.
Associated Medical Specialists: Development of a Medical Package for Multi-terminal use on the Data General Nova class and Ampex computers.
United Video Incorporated: Design and Implementation of a Multibus compatible single board computer to be used with an electronic program guide.
Southland Energy Corporation: Implementation of Synergistic Consultants Incorporated Fortran Library and Operating Systems on the Prime and IBM PC computers to look exactly the same and two telecommunication package for the IBM PC to be either an intelligent terminal or a dumb terminal to the Prime Computer.
E G & G: Design and implementation of devices useful to E G & G.
Cyrix Corporation: Development of new computer processor designs. Development of techniques useful in scientific computation, eg., the wavelet transformation.
Health Images Corporation: Atlanta, GA.
Picker International: Cleveland, Ohio. Design of their next generation magnetic resonance imager (the TQ project, now being built in Finland).
ARO Labs: Tulsa, Oklahoma. Computer automated grinding of lenses from graphical input across a network.
Flight Safety International: Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. Design of new methodology for flight simulators.
MaxTech Inc: Tulsa, Oklahoma. Operating System administration and network programming.
Please note that courses numbered CS4xxx may be taken for graduate credit by graduate students. These are listed with the (G) designation. Courses numbered CS7xxx and EE7xxx are open to graduate students, only.
CS2033 Computer Organization and Assembler. The important sophomore course required by all CS majors, which is the introduction to computer architecture, and the first in depth look at how a single computer actually functions.
CS3423 Windows Programming. Fortran, Ansi C, C++ and Visual Basic are taught as mutually compatible multitasking windowing languages. This is the only TU course on programming for Windows and the programming of event driven windowed computer applications.
CS4863(G) Computer Hardware. A class aimed at CS students to offer an introduction to computer hardware design.
CS4323(G) Data Communications and Networking. The first of two courses to address the issue of communication among a number of free thinking computers.
CS4013(G) Compiler Design. This course addresses the issue of how to design and implement language translators (including compilers, assemblers and command line interpreters). Emphasis is on the design of 'little language' compilers rather than formal language theory. This should be the second compiler course; therefore, it is not taught now.
CS4063(G) Computer Architecture. Operating system strategies and architecture features required to support them. This course includes alternative implementations and advanced topics in current systems.
CS7653 Microcomputer Applications. This course is intended to teach a graduate computer science student all that he must know about computer hardware (including the design of computers systems, busses and interfaces/controllers of devices).
CS7423 Digital Image Processing. Study of algorithms and hardware for processing images. Algorithms range from visual enhancement and psuedo coloring, through feature extraction scene analysis, and visual pattern recognition. There is a heavy emphasis upon integral transform theory.
CS7053 Operating Systems Theory. This is the final graduate course in this subject that addresses how successful operating systems such as UNIX, VMS, MS-DOS, Windows NT, and SCIOS (my own) have been designed and implemented. The emphasis is on 'why' things have been done rather than 'how it is used'.
CS7293 Theory of Symbolic Computation. This course demands a high level of mathematical background. The list processing languages LISP and muSIMP are taught and used to build software systems capable of performing any mathematics homework that we give to any of our undergraduates. Commercial packages such as muMATH and MACSYMA are used extensively, and their internal workings are studied.
EE7063 Computer Engineering. This is an advanced class in computer architecture and organization for those students already skilled in digital circuit design.
Department of Mathematics, James Crafton (1975)
Department of Computer Sciences, Travis Tull (1986)
Department of Electrical Engineering, Henry Tromp (1987)
Department of Computer Sciences, Arthur Corcoran (1988)
Department of Computer Sciences, Dan Ulrich (1989)
Department of Electrical Engineering, Dan Sossamon (1991)
Department of Computer Sciences, Alan Stuart (1992)
Department of Computer Sciences, Mike Stevens (1992)
Department of Computer Sciences, Andrew Homb (1996)
J.Appl.Phys. 37, 649 (1966) Small Angle X-Ray Scattering Determination of Particle-Diameter Distributions in Polydisperse Suspensions of Spherical Particles (with P. W. Schmidt)
J.Chem.Phys. 44, 815 (1966) Theoretical Interpretation of P31 NMR Chemical Shifts.I (with John R. Van Wazer)
J.Chem.Phys. 45, 2916 (1966) Theoretical Interpretation of P31 NMR Chemical Shifts.II. Unsymmetrical Molecules (with John R. Van Wazer)
J.Chem.Phys. 45, 2926 (1966) Theoretical Interpretation of P31 NMR Chemical Shifts.III. Phosphorus with Five Like Substituents (with John R. Van Wazer)
P31 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Interscience Publishers, New York (1967) Chapter 2 (with John R. Van Wazer)
P31 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Interscience Publishers, New York (1967) Chapter 3 (with John R. Van Wazer)
J.Phys.Chem. 71, 1925 (1967) Phosphorus-31 Chemical Shifts of Phosphanate Anions (with Jean G. Riess and John R. Van Wazer)
J.Chem.Phys. 49, 1871 (1968) The Formaldehyde Molecule in a Gaussian Basis. A Self Consistent Field Calculation (with N. W. Winter and Thomas H. Dunning)
J.Chem.Phys. 48, 4538 (1968) Localized Orbitals.I. Sigma Bonds (with Thomas H. Dunning)
J.Chem.Phys. 49, 2706 (1968) Mossbauer Isomer Shifts.I. Molecules Containing Sn (with Mark L. Unland)
J.Chem.Phys. 50, 2185 (1969) Ketene in a Gaussian Basis. LCAO-MO-SCF Wave Function One Electron Properties, and Electron Density Maps (with Mark L. Unland and John R. Van Wazer)
J.A.C.S. 91, 1045 (1969) Ab Initio Calculation of the Barrier to Internal Rotation in Propylene using a Gaussian Self-Consistent Field Wave Function (with Mark L. Unland and John R. Van Wazer)
J.A.C.S. 00, 0000 (1969) Ab Initio Calculation of the Barrier to Internal Rotation in Fluoropropylene Molecules (with Mark L. Unland and John R. Van Wazer)
J.Chem.Phys. 50, 3214 (1969) Characterization of Ground State Wave Functions by Measured Electronic Properties.III. A Gaussian Basis Self-Consistent Field Calculation for Nitrogen Trifluoride (with Mark L. Unland and John R. Van Wazer)
J.Chem.Phys. 34, 3215 (1971) Localized Orbitals.II. Expanded Basis Sets
International Journal of Imaging Systems & Technology. 1, 109-112 (1989) The Use of Weiner Deconvolution (An Optimal Filter) in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging. I.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 7, 581-83 (1989) Computer Assisted Design of Surface Coils Used in Magnetic Resonance Imaging. I. The Calculation of the Magnetic Field.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 7, 585-89 (1989) Computer Assisted Design of Surface Coils Used in Magnetic Resonance Imaging. II. Rotational Discrimination Nonlinear Regression Analysis and the Design of Surface Coils
Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 7, 591-97 (1989) Computer Assisted Design of Surface Coils Used in Magnetic Resonance Imaging. III. The Design and Construction of Two Long Twin Axial Antennae for Imaging of the Whole Human Spine (with William S. Yamanashi and Patrick D. Lester)
Dr. Dobb's Journal. 176, 36-42 (May, 1991) Getting Numeric Coprocessors Up to Speed
International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology. Vol 4, 98-108 (1992). An Imaging Device that Uses the Wavelet Transformation as the Image Reconstruction Algorithm.
International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology. An Imaging Device that Uses the Wavelet Transformation as the Image Reconstruction Algorithm. II. The L-Transform. Vol. 5, 33-38 (1994).
Computer Assisted Design of Coils Used in Experimental Zeugmatography by the Use of Rotational Discrimination Nonlinear Regression Analysis. 71st Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, Radiology Society of North America. Chicago. Nov 17-22, 1985. Presenter: John H. Letcher.
The Development of Computer Algorithms for the Accurate Regridding of Rectangular Arrays of Pixel Values. Society for Magnetic Resonance Imaging Fourth Annual Meeting, Philadelphia. Mar 1-5 1986. Presenter: John H. Letcher.
An Integrated Expert System for the Magnetic Resonance Imager Scan Setup. Fifth Annual Meeting of the Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Montreal. Aug. 18-12, 1986. Presenter: Raymond E. Gangarosa, MD.
A 1/16 and 1/8 Wavelength Loop Antenna for Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Whole Human Spine. 72nd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, Radiological Society of North America Chicago. Nov 30 - Dec 5, 1986. Presenter: William S. Yamanashi, PhD, FACA.
Development of Computer Software to Compensate for Intensity Non-Uniformity in Magnetic Resonance Imager Obtained with Surface Coils. 72nd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, Radiological Society of North America Chicago. Nov 30 - Dec 5, 1986. Presenter: John H. Letcher.
Use of Fiber Optic Cables for MR Surface Coils. 73rd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, Radiological Society of North America Chicago. Nov 29 - Dec 4, 1987. Presenter: William S. Yamanashi, PhD, FACA.
Design of High_Gain Directional MR Imaging Surface Coils Which Use Active Elements of Elliptical Shape. 73rd Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, Radiological Society of North America Chicago. Nov 29 - Dec 4, 1987. Presenter: John H. Letcher.
Use of Fiberoptic Transmitter, Receiver, and Cables for MR Imaging Surface Coils. Society for Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Sixth Annual Meeting, Boston. Feb 27 - Mar 3 1988. Presenter: William S. Yamanashi, PhD, FACA.
Clocked Latched Feedback Memory Finite State Engines.I. A Novel Technique for the Design of Arithmetic and Control Processors. Oklahoma Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, (Nov 3-4, 1988) John H. Letcher.
Clocked Latched Feedback Memory Finite State Engines. II. A New Basis for the Design of an Artificial Intelligence Processor. Oklahoma Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Nov 3 - 4, 1988. Presenter: Arthur L. Corcoran.
The Use of Weiner Deconvolution to Improve the Qualify of MR Images. 74th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, Radiological Society of North America Chicago. Nov. 27 - Dec. 2, 1988. Presenter: John H. Letcher.
Improvement of Accuracy in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Fourier Spectroscopy. 34th Pentasectional Meeting, Oklahoma/American Chemical Society, Tulsa. April 1, 1989. Presenter: John H. Letcher.
An Imaging Device that Uses the Wavelet Transformation as the Image Reconstruction Algorithm. III. Digital Filtering of Imperfect Wavelets. International Conference on Acoustic Sensing and Imaging, IEE, Savoy Place London, UK. March 29 - 30, 1993. Presenter: John H. Letcher. Coauthors. Kevin A. O'Niel and Pete J. Cook.
Wavelet Transformations. Goodman Symposium in Theoretical Physics, the University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, Ohio. June 19, 1993.
1984 Prime Computers, 'An Overview of the Synergistic Consultants Incorporated Computer Operating System, SCIOS'.
1985 Southern Methodist University, 'Legal Aspects of Designing Computer Systems'.
1986 ORU School of Medicine, 'Computer Image Corrections for Magnetic Resonance Imager Surface Coils Used in the Study of the Whole Human Spine'.
1987 Sigma Xi, 'Symbolic Computation and its Applications in Medicine'.
1987 University of Tulsa, 'Everything You Wanted to Know, and Need to Know about the TU Supercard'.
1990 Harvard Medical School, 'Derived Magnetic Resonance Images'.
1994 University of Bergen, Norway, 'Imaging Devices and Wavelets'.
1994 Kings College Medical School, University of London, 'Imaging Devices and Wavelets'.
Clocked Latched Feedback Memory Finite State Engine. I. A Novel Technique for the Design of Arithmetic and Control Processors. John H. Letcher. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, pages 339-348, November 1988.
Clocked Latched Feedback Memory Finite State Engine. II. A New Basis for the Design of An Artificial Intelligence Processor. John H. Letcher and Arthur L. Corcoran. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, pages 349-354, November 1988.
An Imaging Device that Uses the Wavelet Transformation as the Image Reconstruction Algorithm. III. Digital Filtering of Imperfect Wavelets. John H. Letcher. Proceedings of the IEE, London, UK, pages 56-61, March 1993.
P31 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Interscience Publishers, New York (1967) Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 (with John R. Van Wazer).
The Cyrix Fourier and Wavelet Transformation User's Manual (1992).