The purpose of program Htmlprep is to accept the defined text file and the format file created during the execution of Program Easydisp and produce the corresponding display file, expressed in the Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) for use by program Cgientry.
To execute program Htmlprep, after the >>? prompt type
>>? RUN HTMLPREPwhere the INPUT TEXT FILE is the name of the text file which defines the layout for both the fixed text description of the fields and the location of the fields for use in creating a screen display for use in Program Scientry.Program Htmlprep responds THE SCI HTML ENTRY DISPLAY TEXT COMPILER ENTER 1. THE INPUT TEXT FILE 2. THE INPUT FORMAT FILE 3. THE OUTPUT HTML FILE 4. THE A FIELD DESIGNATOR CHARACTER 5. THE N FIELD DESIGNATOR CHARACTER 6. THE RULING SET DESIGNATOR BYTE ?
The INPUT FORMAT FILE is the name of the format file which was created using Program Easyform.
The OUTPUT HTML FILE is the name of the file which will paint the screen display during the execution of Program Cgientry.
The A FIELD DESIGNATOR CHARACTER is the character used in the text file to designate which fields are alphanumeric.
The N FIELD DESIGNATOR CHARACTER is the character used in the text file to designate which fields are numeric.
The RULING SET DESIGNATOR BYTE is the character used in the text file to designate the ruling characters or line drawing constructs of the screen display.
The proper syntax for the calling (execution) of program Htmlprep is:
>>? RUN HTMLPREPwhere + causes the operating system to define the file in the event that it is not already defined.? [fnprefix.TX] [fnprefix.F] [+fnprefix.HTM] [A character] [N character] [ruling character]
The .htm file created must be uploaded to the Internet server computer. This action requires special privledges and may only be carried out by qualified people.