Below is a complete description of the function keys which are active in Program Scientry. To cause the desired action to take place, press the appropriate function key gently, once, then release it. Do not hold the function key down. If the Shift, Alt or Ctrl key is used in conjunction with a function key, for example Shift-F1, press the shift key and while holding it down gently press function key F1, once, then release F1, then release the Ctrl key. Except where noted, the action is carried out by pressing the function key without pressing Enter.
Except where noted, the action is carried out by pressing the function key without pressing Enter. [ ] indicates required information to be supplied by the user.
Summary of Function KeysFunction Key Action F1 ADVANCEs to the next record without saving any changes. F2 BACKUPs up one record without saving any changes. F3 Restores screen display. F4 Positions to the END of the data file. F5 SAVEs the information on the screen in the data file. F6[field #] Enter Positions the cursor at the field number specified by #. F7[record #] Enter Positions to the record number specified by #. F8 Returns to the menu for Program Scientry. F9 Writes the displayed record to the data file. Does not advance the screen. F10 Causes the execution of the last mentioned Chaprola procedure file [fn.PR]
Shift-F1[fn.PR]Enter Changes the procedure file which is resident, reads the screen, and executes []. Shift-F2 EXITs to SCIOS operating system >>? Prompt. Has same action as Ctrl-D. Shift-F3 (not active) Shift-F4 (not active) Shift-F5 Moves cursor one character to the right within a field. Same as -> key. Shift-F6 Moves cursor one character to the left within a field. Same as <- key. Shift-F7 (not active) Shift-F8 ERASES from the cursor position to the end of field. Shift-F9 Back tabs one field. Has the same action as Ins key, Ctrl-F6 and |<- (Shift-Tab key). Shift-F10 Forward tabs one field. Has the same action as Del key, Ctrl-F5 and ->| (Tab key).
Ctrl-D Normal EXIT from a program to operating system. Ctrl-F1 (not active) Ctrl-F2 Buffer ON/OFF. Ctrl-F3 SCROLLS the screen display UP, line by line. Ctrl-F4 SCROLLS screen display DOWN, line by line. Ctrl-F5 Forward tabs one field. Has same actions as Del key, Shift-F10, and ->| (Tab key). Ctrl-F6 Back tabs one field. Has same action as Ins key, Shift-F9, |<- (Shift-Tab key). Ctrl-F7 Returns cursor to field 1 in the display, HOME. Ctrl-F8 (not active) Ctrl-F9 (not active) Ctrl-F10 (not active) Ctrl-D EXITs program to SCIOS operating system >>? prompt. Has same actions as Shift-F2. Ctrl-O Returns keyboard to our alphabet from graphics or greek. Ctrl-P F5 BLANKS entire record.
Alt-F1 (not active) Alt-F2 (not active) Alt-F3 Page Up. Has the same action as PgUp. For looking. Alt-F4 Page Down. Has the same action as PgDn. For looking. Alt-F5 (not active) Alt-F6 (not active) Alt-F7 RETURNS CURSOR to PREVIOUS POSITION before Ctrl-F7. Alt-F8 (not active) Alt-F9 (not active) Alt-F10 (not active)
Alt-1 Change Visual Attribute of Background. Alt-2 Change Visual Attribute of Status Line. Alt-3 Change Visual Attribute of Alphanumeric Field. Alt-4 Change Visual Attribute of Numeric Field. Alt-5 Change Visual Attribute of Chosen Field. Alt-6 Status Line ON/OFF Alt-7 BACK TAB 10 Fields Alt-8 FORWARD TAB 10 Fields Alt-9 WRAP AROUND OFF/ON Alt-0 (not active)
Del FORWARD TAB one field. Same action as Ctrl-F5, Shift F-10 and ->| (Tab key). Ins BACK TAB one field. Same action as Ctrl-F6, Shift-F9, and Shift-|<- (Shift-Tab key)
Details of Function Keys:
F1 (ADVANCE) Advances to the next record in the data file without writing any changes to the data file. The entire file may be paged through in this way until the end of the file has been reached.
F2 (BACKUP) Backs up one record in the data file without writing any changes to the data file. The entire file may be paged through backwards until the beginning of the file has been reached.
F3 (DISPLAY) Restores the screen display which is useful in case the display disappears. If this occurs, any updated information is lost unless the display disappears after F5 has sent the changes to the data file.
F4 (END) Positions to the end of the data file at the blank record after the last record with information in it. F4 is useful if new records need to be added to a data file.
F5 (SAVE) Saves the information in the record displayed on the screen in the data file. The information in the original record is written over and the screen advances to the next record in the data file. F5 is equivalent to F9 (WRITE) followed by F1 (ADVANCE)
F6 [field #] Enter (CHANGE CURSOR POSITION) Used to skip over several fields or to alter the normal starting position (field 1) of the cursor. As each new record comes to the screen, the cursor will return to the field preset by F6 #. It will do so until another cursor starting position is defined using F6 followed by the field number of the new field to which the cursor is to position. Press F6 Type # of the field to which the cursor is to position (this number will not appear on the screen) Press Enter
F7 [record #] Enter (GO TO RECORD NUMBER) Positions to the record number specified by #. This command may be used to position both forward and backward in the data file. With each execution, the asked for record will appear on the screen for viewing or for updating. For example, F7 1 Enter would position to the first record in the data file. Press F7 Type # of the record to be displayed (this number will not appear on the screen) Press Enter
F8 (BLANK THE SCREEN) Blanks the screen and accesses the menu for Program Scientry for the purpose of requesting a different display file or data file.
F9 (WRITE) Writes the displayed record to the data file. The screen is not advanced to the next record.
F10 (EXECUTE PROCEDURE FILE) Reads the screen, executes the resident, last mentioned Chaprola procedure file [fn.PR]. The record is updated in the data file and the resulting record is redisplayed on the screen.
Shift-F1 [fn.PR] Enter (CHANGE PROCEDURE FILE) Changes the resident procedure file, reads the screen, executes the Chaprola procedure contained in [fn.PR]. The record is updated in the data file and the resulting record is redisplayed on the screen. For other records to be updated using this particular procedure file use F10, described above. Press Shift-F1 Type [fn.PR] Press Enter
Shift-F2 (RETURNS TO SCIOS OPERATING SYSTEM >>? PROMPT) Has same action as Ctrl-D.
Shift-F3 (not active)
Shift-F4 (not active)
Shift-F5 (CURSOR RIGHT) Moves cursor to right one character within a field. Same as -> key.
Shift-F6 (CURSOR LEFT) Moves cursor to left one character within a field. Same as <- key.
Shift-F7 (not active)
Shift-F9 (BACK TAB) Back tabs one field. Has same action as Ins key and Shift-Tab key, |<-, and Ctrl-F6.
Shift-F10 (FORWARD TAB) Forward tabs one field. Has same actions as Del key and Tab key, ->|, and Ctrl-F5.
Ctrl-F1 (not active)
Ctrl-F2 (BUFFER ON/OFF) A toggle key which if turned off causes the keyboard to freeze.
Ctrl-F3 (SCROLL SCREEN UP) Scrolls screen up line by line.
Ctrl-F4 (SCROLL SCREEN DOWN) Scrolls screen down line by line.
Ctrl-F5 (FORWARD TAB) Forward tabs one field. Has same actions as Del key and Tab key, ->|, and Shift-F10.
Ctrl-F6 (BACK TAB) Back tabs one field. Has same action as Ins key and Shift-Tab key, |<-, and Shift-F9.
Ctrl-F8 (not active)
Ctrl-F9 (not active)
Ctrl-F10 (not active)
Ctrl-D (RETURNS TO SCIOS OPERATING SYSTEM >>? PROMPT) Has same actions as Shift-F2.
Alt-F1 (not active)
Alt-F2 (not active)
Alt-F3 (PAGE UP) Has the same action as PgUp. The cursor remains fixed on the screen in its starting position. When finished looking, press Alt-F4 or PgDn.
Alt-F4 (PAGE DOWN) Has the same action as PgDn. The cursor remains fixed on the screen in its starting position. When finished looking, press Alt-F3 or PgUp.
Alt-F5 (not active)
Alt-F6 (not active)
Alt-F8 (not active)
Alt-F9 (not active)
Alt-F10 (not active)
Alt-1 (CHANGE VISUAL ATTRIBUTE OF BACKGROUND) 1. highlighted 2. reverse video 3. reverse video 4. blinking 5. blinking - highlighted 6. highlighted 7. default 8. blanked
Alt-2 (CHANGE VISUAL ATTRIBUTE OF STATUS LINE) 1. blinking 2. blinking - highlighted 3. highlighted 4. inverted video 5. blanked 6. inverted video 7. highlighted
Alt-3 (CHANGE VISUAL ATTRIBUTE OF ALPHANUMERIC FIELD) 1. blinking 2. blinking - highlighted 3. highlighted 4. inverted video 5. blanked 6. inverted video 7. highlighted
Alt-4 (CHANGE VISUAL ATTRIBUTE OF NUMERIC FIELD) 1. blinking 2. blinking - highlighted 3. highlighted 4. inverted video 5. blanked 6. inverted video 7. highlighted
Alt-5 (CHANGE VISUAL ATTRIBUTE OF CHOSEN FIELD) 1. blinking 2. blinking - highlighted 3. highlighted 4. inverted video 5. blanked 6. inverted video 7. highlighted
Alt-7 (BACK TAB 10 FIELDS) Jumps the cursor backward ten fields.
Alt-8 (FORWARD TAB 10 FIELDS) Jumps the cursor forward ten fields.
Alt-9 (WRAP AROUND OFF/ON) A toggle switch where wrap around off is the default. When the cursor reaches the last character position in the field it keeps typing in that position. When wrap around is on the cursor automatically jumps to the next field when it has filled the last character in the field.
Alt-0 (not active)