Below is a complete description of the function keys which are active in Program Sciedit. A summary is in the next section. To cause the desired action to take place, press the appropriate function key gently, once, then release it. Do not hold the function key down. If the Shift, Alt or Ctrl key is used in conjunction with a function key, for example Shift-F1, press the shift key and while holding it down gently press function key F1, once, then release F1, then release the Ctrl key. Except where noted, the action is carried out by pressing the function key without pressing Enter.
F1 (ADVANCE) Advances to the next record in the data file without writing any changes to the data file. The entire file may be paged through in this way until the end of the file has been reached. The effect of the A command is to advance through the input file 20 lines at a time WITHOUT writing the contents of the screen to the output file. This is useful in skipping a certain number of lines in the input file which are not to be in the output file.F2 (VERIFY) Verifies the names of the input file and output file and finds out the next line number to be sent to the output file and places this information in the status line at the bottom of the screen. The first of the three numbers at the beginning of the status line gives the character position of the cursor which useful for centering text. The second number is the line number on the screen where the cursor is located. The third number is the line number of the cursor in the buffer. The B designates that the Block is ON. If the Block is OFF the keyboard will freeze.
F9 F3 "initial text" [Enter] (COPY) Copies to the output file the contents of the screen and the input file up to but not including the line beginning with the "initial text". The line beginning with the "initial text" appears on the screen followed by the next 19 lines of the input file.
Example: lines 21-40 have been edited and the User does not wish to edit further until a line which can be defined because the first few words in the line make it unique from any other line. The form of the copy command is: F9 F3 "initial text" which will cause the current screen and buffer to be written to the output file and the contents of the input file up to the line defined by "initial text" to be written to the output file.
F4 (END) Writes not only the contents of the screen to the output file but also writes the remainder of the input file to the output file. A blank screen appears when this action is completed.
F5 (SAVE) Saves the contents of the screen. That is pressing F5 writes the contents of the screen to the output file and then displays the next 20 lines of the input file for editing.
F6 [# of lines] [Enter] (CHANGE NUMBER OF LINES) Changes the number of lines displayed at one time. Unless changed 20 lines are displayed on the screen at a time. The screen is 24 lines long. The largest number which can be displayed at one time is, since the Program Sciedit buffer holds 192 lines. If more than 24 lines are displayed, use the PgUp and PgDn keys to move between screens.
F8 (TURN AROUND) Turns the input file and output file around and causes the output file to become the input file and the input file to become the output file. Press F8 only at the blank screen after the current input file saved i.e., has been written to the output file. When the action is complete the first twenty lines of what was the output file appear on the screen as the new input file and may be edited to the new output file which was the original input file. Keep in mind that the input file and output file have been swapped. The original input file is now the output file and will be destroyed when the new input file is edited back into the original input file. F9 (WRITE) Writes the contents of the screen to the output file. Unnecessary and invisible control codes are removed and trailing blanks are also removed from the input file as it is written to the output file. F9 does not advance the screen to the next 20 lines. Therefore, it is possible to make multiple copies of the screen by writing the screen several times to the output file using F9.
F10 (TURN AROUND PLUS) Same as F8 except the new input file which was the output file is written back into the originating input file. Press F10 only at the blank screen which appears after the entire input file has been saved. Therefore, the User is left with: 1. The originating input file is destroyed. 2. The NEW OUTPUT file contains the edited original output file with the Program Paragraf commands imbedded. 3. The NEW INPUT file contains the original file with the Program Paragraf commands executed.
All of the commands available in Program Paragraf may be executed on line in Program Sciedit using F10. The most useful Program Paragraf commands are the $R, $C and $W commands. Therefore these are defined here.
$R retrieves another file into the current screen at the cursor position. $C replaces one text with another text everywhere in the file. $W writes the designated portion of the file to another file and removes it from the file.
Shift-F1 (FORM FEED) Causes a form feed character to be written to the output file at that point. The contents of the screen are not affected. This command instructs the printing device to carry out a form feed at this point. This is useful if the text immediately following the FF is to begin on a new page. If the file which contains the FF is passed through Program SCIEDIT, the FF will be removed. To execute the command either: Press SHIFT-F1 F5 (FF at top of screen) Press F9 SHIFT-F1 F1 (FF at bottom of screen)
Shift-F2 (EXIT) Exits to the Program Sciedit menu. Press Shift-F2 again to return to the >>? SCIOS operating system prompt. Equivalent to Ctrl-D.
Shift-F3 (not active)
Shift-F4 (not active)
Shift-F6 (not active)
Shift-F7 (not active)
Ctrl-F1 (not active)
Ctrl-F2 (not active)
Ctrl-F5 (not active)
Ctrl-F6 (not active)
Ctrl-F9 (INSERT CHARACTER ABSOLUTE) Inserts spaces in a line and wraps the text around to the next line.
Ctrl-F10 (DELETE CHARACTER ABSOLUTE) Deletes spaces in a line and wraps text up from the line below.
Ctrl-D (EXIT) Exits to the Program Sciedit menu. Press Ctrl-D again to return to the >>? SCIOS operating system prompt. Equivalent to Shift-F2.
Alt-F1 (not active)
Alt-F2 (not active)
Alt-F3 (PAGE UP)
Alt-F5 (not active)
Alt-F7 (not active)
Alt-F8 (not active)
Alt-F9 (INSERT LINE) Inserts a blank line above the cursor.
Alt-F10 (DELETE LINE) Deletes the line with the cursor.
Alt-1-Alt-5 (not active)
Alt-7 (not active)
Alt-8 (not active)
Alt-9 (WRAP WORDS AROUND END OF LINE - OFF/ON) A toggle switch where wrap around off is the default. When wrap around is on when the cursor reaches the last character position on the line, the entire word is picked up and moved to the next line.