The purpose of program Easyform is to create a primitive format file from a user defined text file. The information in the primitive format file is limited to information required by Program Mercury. Its use is fully described in the Section, Program Mercury. The primitive format file is also the input format file to Program Easydisp.
To execute Program Easyform after the >>? prompt type
>>? RUN EASYFORMwhere the INPUT TEXT FILE is the name of the text (.tx) file which defines the layout for both the fixed text description of the fields and the location of the fields for use in creating a screen display for use in Programs Scientry and Cgientry.Program Easyform responds THE SCI EASY FORMAT PREPARATION PROGRAM ENTER: 1. THE INPUT TEXT FILE NAME 2. THE OUTPUT FORMAT FILE NAME 3. THE A FIELD DESIGNATOR CHARACTER 4. THE N FIELD DESIGNATOR CHARACTER ?
The OUTPUT FORMAT FILE is the name of the file which will contain the proper information ready for use as the input format file to Program Mercury or Program Easydisp.
The A FIELD DESIGNATOR CHARACTER is the character used in the text file to designate which fields are alphanumeric.
The N FIELD DESIGNATOR CHARACTER is the character used in the text file to designate which fields are numeric.
The proper syntax for calling (executing) program Easyform is:
>>? RUN EASYFORM ? [fnprefix.TX] [+fnprefix.PF] [A field designator] [N field designator]where + defines the file to the operating system.
An example of a primitive format file created by Program Easyform using the mailing label example from the User Guide is given below:
1 A0010 1 2 A0029 11 3 A0029 40 4 A0029 69 5 A0014 98 6 A0002 112 7 I0005 114 8 I0004 119After the .PF file, generated above, is used by program Easydisp, it is no longer needed and may be deleted.