The purpose of Program Easydisp is to convert a primitive format file (.PF) and a text file (.tx) into a format file (.F) ready for use by Program Dispprep. This is the format file which is used by Program Mercury and which is modified to take advantage of the enhanced screen display capabilities available in Program Scientry. A complete description is in the User Guide Section, Format File Description and in the Section on Program Mercury.
To execute Program Easydisp, after the >>? prompt type
>>? RUN EASYDISPwhere the INPUT FORMAT FILE is the name of the format file which was created using Program Easyform. The INPUT TEXT FILE is the name of the text file which defines the layout for both the fixed text description of the fields and the location of the fields for use in creating a screen display for use in Program Scientry.Program Easydisp responds THE SCI EASY DISPLAY PREPARATION PROGRAM ENTER: 1. THE INPUT FORMAT FILE NAME 2. THE INPUT TEXT FILE NAME 3. THE OUTPUT FORMAT FILE NAME 4. THE A FIELD DESIGNATOR CHARACTER 5. THE N FIELD DESIGNATOR CHARACTER ?
The OUTPUT FORMAT FILE is the name of the file which will contain the primitive format ready for use as the input format file to Program Mercury or Program Easydisp.
The A FIELD DESIGNATOR CHARACTER is the character used in the text file to designate which fields are alphanumeric.
The N FIELD DESIGNATOR CHARACTER is the character used in the text file to designate which fields are numeric.
The proper syntax for Program Easydisp is
>>? RUN EASYFORM ? [fnprefix.PF] [fnprefix.TX] [+fnprefix.F] [A field designator] [N field designator[where + the file to be defined by the operating system in the event that it is not already defined.
If any enhanced capabilities are to be created in the screen display, this is the format file which must be modified and then used as the input file to Program Dispprep. A complete description of how to modify the format file is in User Guide Section, Customizing a Format File to Use The Enhanced Capabilities of a Screen Display.
The following is an example of a format file created by Program Easydisp using the mailing label example from the User Guide.
1 1 1 10 H 2 24A0010 1 2 2 11 29 H 3 24A0029 11 3 3 40 29 H 4 24A0029 40 4 4 69 29 H 5 24A0029 69 5 5 98 14 H 6 9A0014 98 6 6 112 2 H 6 32A0002 112 7 7 114 5 I 6 42I0005 114 8 8 119 4 I 6 57I0004 119The Reference Section on Program Dispprep gives a complete description of a format file.