The purpose of Program Dispprep is to accept the defined text file and the format file created during the execution of Program Easydisp and produce the corresponding display file for use in Program Scientry.
To execute Program Dispprep, after the >>? prompt type
>>? RUN DISPPREPwhere the INPUT TEXT FILE is the name of the text file which defines the layout for both the fixed text description of the fields and the location of the fields for use in creating a screen display for use in Program Scientry.Program Dispprep responds THE SCI DATA ENTRY DISPLAY TEXT COMPILER ENTER 1. THE INPUT TEXT FILE 2. THE INPUT FORMAT FILE 3. THE OUTPUT DISPLAY FILE 4. THE A FIELD DESIGNATOR CHARACTER 5. THE N FIELD DESIGNATOR CHARACTER 6. THE RULING SET DESIGNATOR BYTE ?
The INPUT FORMAT FILE is the name of the format file which was created using Program Easyform.
The OUTPUT DISPLAY FILE is the name of the file which will paint the screen display during the execution of Program Scientry.
The A FIELD DESIGNATOR CHARACTER is the character used in the text file to designate which fields are alphanumeric.
The N FIELD DESIGNATOR CHARACTER is the character used in the text file to designate which fields are numeric.
The RULING SET DESIGNATOR BYTE is the character used in the text file to designate the ruling characters or line drawing constructs of the screen display.
The proper syntax for the calling (execution) of program Dispprep is:
>>? RUN DISPPREP? [fnprefix.TX] [fnprefix.F] [+fnprefix.DI] [A character] [N character] [ruling character]
where + causes the operating system to define the file in the event that it is not already defined.
After the successful execution of the Programs Easyform, Easydisp, and Dispprep, you may use the batch file, ENTRY, to check the screen display for accuracy as described in the User Guide Section, "Display File Creation".
An example of a format file created by Program Dispprep using the mailing label example from the User Guide is as follows:
1 1 1 10 H 2 24A0010 1 2 2 11 29 H 3 24A0029 11 3 3 40 29 H 4 24A0029 40 4 4 69 29 H 5 24A0029 69 5 5 98 14 H 6 9A0014 98 6 6 112 2 H 6 32A0002 112 7 7 114 5 I 6 42I0005 114 8 8 119 4 I 6 57I0004 119where:
Column 1: characters 1 - 4 field number Column 2: characters 5 - 10 used by Program Mercury (linkage number) Column 3: characters 11 - 40 *field description Column 4: characters 41 - 44 **field number Column 5: characters 46 - 49 **starting character position of the field Column 6: characters 50 - 52 **length of the field Column 7: characters 53 - 62 **blank Column 8: character 63 H (alphanumeric field) or I (numeric field) (change to customize a screen display) characters 64 - 66 line number in the screen display characters 67 - 69 character number in the display characters 70 - 74 format, i.e. A34, F10.3, I2 Column 9: characters 75 - 77 ***change position of field in display ****do not display because more than 450 fields Column 10: characters 78 - 80 starting character position of the field
*The field description must be entered manually using a text editor or work processor.
**The information in characters 41-62 are not used by the computer and may be blanked and the field description expanded to include characters 41 to 62.
***For display purposes only, a field may be moved. Enter the number of the field where this field is to now appear on the screen display. Right justify the number. The starting character position of the field does not change.
****If the format file contains more than 450 fields, only 450 fields may be displayed at any one time. Place an illegal numeric character in this column to keep the field from being displayed. Do not use the following, as these are legal numeric characters: $ . , or any number.