SCIOS access through the Internet is all accomplished by executing a program on the server called cgientry.exe. This has been installed in the cgi-bin directory on the server computer. This must be done by a person with sufficient security privledge to do so. Also note that only this person will have any indirect access to any of the SCIOS files. All user access is done throught program CGIentry. This is an extremely important security feature.
The process is started by giving a URL such as http://vaio/cgientry.htm in the location box in the browser. This webpage is comprised of 1) a Submit button, 2) a text box for a one character command, 3) a box for a five digit number, 4) a textbox for an eight character display file name, 5) a textbox for an eight character data file name, and 6) a textbox for an eight character procedure file name.
The following commands are available for use in CGIentry by entering the appropriate single letter into the first field in the display and clicking the Submit button.
The commands are:Command Action
A If the display now paints record number n, the contents of record n+1 are retreived on the server and displayed in the appropriate places in the user screen display. The new record number is appropriately displayed in the Number field. "A" is short for Advance.
B If the display now paints record number n, the contents of record n-1 are retreived on the server and displayed in the appropriate places in the user screen display. The new record number is appropriately displayed in the Number field. "B" is short for Back-up.
E The data file is positioned to its end-of-file. The display fields are filled with blanks. "E" is short for end-of-file.
G This command is identical to executing the "W" command, immediately followed with the "A" command
N If the contents of the Number field can be interpreted as a valid record number in the data file, the stem name of which has been placed in the Data field, then the named record is retreived and displayed in the appropriate places in the user display.
S This command reads the contents of the Number, Display, Data and Procedure fields. The appropriate extensions are appended to the names (.htm to the Display, .da to the Data, .pr to the Procedure) Then, the named display is presented holding the data from the named data file at the named record number. The computer is readied to execute the named Chaprola procedure, upon the subsequent use of the "X" command.
W The contents of the fields in the user display are sent to the server computer. These data are written to the data file on the server at the current file position. "W" is short for Write.
X The contents of the fields in the user display are sent to the server computer. The named procedure is then executed. This procedure is free to change not only the data record contents, but also the contents of the upper fields. The data record is written server at the current file position. "X" is short for eXecute.