I am very pleased to announce that Andrew Homb (BS and MS in Computer Science from the University of Tulsa) received the degree of Doctor of Medicine from Southern Illinois University College of Medicine during the graduation exercises held in Springfield, Illinois on May 22, 2004.
Andrew and I did a great deal of work together in the area of medical imaging while he was at TU. It would appear that he will continue this work. This can be seen by what he told me:
"I also can now finally pass along where and what I will be doing for the next five years. I did indeed match radiology at the University of Louisville, but will have to do a medicine preliminary year at Baylor University in Houston. So the plan for the next five years is: July 2004 - July 2005 Internal Medicine Preliminary Year at Baylor University Medical Center in Houston, and July 2005 - July 2009 Diagnostic Radiology at the University of Louisville (Louisville, Kentucky) "
Here is Andrew being hooded:
Andrew with a former professor: